Projects 👨‍💻

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Personal Site - Source Code

Designed and developed a personal website using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Implemented a responsive design for optimal user experience across all devices. Integrated TypeScript for type safety and improved code quality.

Technologies Used:Next.jsTailwind CSSTypeScript

AI Icon Generator - Source Code

Developed a dynamic, full-stack icon generation application using Next.js and TypeScript. Integrated tRPC for efficient API communication and Prisma for robust database management. Leveraged React's reactive capabilities for an intuitive user interface, enabling users to customize and generate icons based on their input.

Technologies Used:Next.jsTypeScripttRPCPrismaReactOpenAI API

Kage AIO - Sneaker Bot

Developed a high-performance auto checkout module for a popular United States sneaker website, significantly improving checkout times. Successfully replicated the fingerprints of popular web browsers like Chrome and Firefox using the uTLS package, which contributed to over $1.5 million in user transactions and over 100,000 successful checkouts.

Technologies Used:GouTLSMongoDB

Shopify Monitor

Developed a real-time Shopify Product Availability Monitor in Go, featuring Discord integration for instant stock alerts. This tool efficiently tracks and notifies users about product restocks on Shopify stores, enhancing the shopping experience.

Technologies Used:GoDiscord API